Frequently Asked Questions

  • Let’s Run Girls Ltd is a social enterprise based in the UK. Danielle Guy founded the first group in 2016 and continues to head up the organisation along with Sarah Bolt and Jane Scanlon. All our running groups are led by our amazing team of volunteer run leaders. Find out more about Let’s Run Girls here.

  • All our run sessions are led by our team of amazing volunteer run leaders. They are women who are passionate about supporting other women to enjoy running and our community simply would not exist without them. You can find out more about being a Run Leader with Let’s Run Girls here.

  • The minimum age to attend all Let’s Run Girls sessions is 16.

  • Typically our locations offer two types of run sessions: a steady run and a beginners programme. A few of our locations also offer interval-style sessions and powerwalking. Use the Group Locator tool to find out about the specific sessions available at each location.

  • The steady run is suitable for women who are already able to run for 30 minutes continuously. So if you’ve completed one of our beginners programmes, or perhaps you’ve done Couch to 5k independently or you’ve been running for years but you’ve only recently discovered Let’s Run Girls and you’re looking for some like-minded company, the Steady run is a good option for you. Our groups tend to offer a weekly steady run, which covers close to 5km in distance. Find out more here.

  • Our beginners programmes are designed to support women to start running. You might be starting to run for the first time, or perhaps you’re returning to running after a long break and want to build back up gradually with the support of a group. In week 1 of our beginners programmes, the longest interval you will run for in one go is 60 seconds. The beginners programmes last for 10 - 12 weeks and gradually increase the time you spend running and reduce the amount of time spent walking between the run intervals. The aim at the end of the beginners programme is to run for 30 minutes continuously. From there, you’ll be ready to join our Steady Run.

  • Of course we don’t expect you to be able to run already, we will support you to build up your running endurance throughout the beginners programme.

    • You should be able to walk briskly for at least 30 minutes before starting the beginners running programme. Running is quite hard on the body and you may benefit from first working on your cardiovascular endurance through walking regularly for a period of time before starting to run.

    • If you have a medical condition that might be affected by running, we strongly suggest you have a conversation with your medical professional about the suitability of the programme.

    • If you aren’t sure if the Beginners programme is suitable for you, we’d encourage you to contact us beforehand.

    • In the interest of the health and safety of all our participants and our volunteers, Let’s Run Girls reserves the right to refer you back to your GP or health professional to ensure your readiness to take part in physical activity prior to attending any of our running sessions.

  • One of our main top tips for success in our beginners programme is to create the habit of running at least 2 - 3 times per week. You can’t rely just on the weekly group session to allow you to improve. There is an expectation that you will do your ‘homework’ runs in between group sessions. Our leaders will, of course, support you with what to do and we strongly encourage you to team up with the other beginners for your homework runs as we know it’s easier in company.

  • We suggest you join a beginners programme within the first 3 weeks of the 10-12 week programme, especially if you have never done any running before. If you have some previous running experience you may be able to join the group later on in the programme but we suggest contacting the leaders beforehand.

  • Each of our groups is different but we try to offer at least one beginners programme per year but this is reliant on having enough volunteers. All details about the sessions offered by our groups will be shown on their group page along with their contact details.

  • Yes, of course, we would love to see you again!

  • Our goal at the end of our 10-12 week beginners programmes is to support you to run for 30 minutes continuously, in this time you may or may not cover 5km, this will depend on the pace you run.

  • All our running sessions are free to join and led by our amazing team of volunteer Run Leaders.

  • It’s free to join all our running sessions, and we don’t offer any kind of membership but we do ask that you sign up to our run sessions in advance. Using our Group Locator tool, you can find the group you want to join and the link to sign up will be on the group page.

  • If you would like to set up a Let’s Run Girls running group in your local area, we’d love to hear from you. All our existing locations were set up by women who loved what we were doing and wanted to bring Let’s Run Girls to their community. That could be you! We can offer you full support to become a Run Leader and set up a new group, find out more here.

  • Yes! One of our main aims here at Let’s Run Girls is to empower women to get other women in their community up and running. Find out more about being a Run Leader with us.

  • You can buy Let’s Run Girls branded t-shirts, vests, hoodies and bobble hats. Find out more here.

  • Absolutely! We are always seeking to improve and by sharing your ideas, suggestions and experiences you can help us to achieve that. Share your feedback here.

  • For the safety of all our runners we do not allow dogs


If you can’t find the answer to your question here, feel free to get in touch with us